Why should I choose VIBESRECORDS DJ school?
~It’s a rare opporyunity for a one to one lesson!~
First timers are welcome!
The lesson style is relaxed and friendly and designed to help you progress quickly!
DJ Yasu Started DJing in 1995.Yasu established VIBESRECORDS as CEO after winning a prize of DJ battle.
DJ Yasu has released many original DJ mix works.A genre-agnostic DJ play centered on hip-hop.His musicianship has captivated listeners.
Yasu has djed at ROCK STEADY CREW,TONY TOUCH,FUNKDOBIEST,C.L.Smooth,Adriana Evans,Steph Pockets,Slum Village,Crazy Legs,The 49ers,and NUTSO’s performances in Japan.Yasu is good at scratching and back DJing.
Recently, he has appeared in media and magazines and he is also produce beats and provide as work.
DJ Yasu is energetically working with a view to the world regardless of domestic.
『Everyone is welcome even if you’ve never D.Jed before!』
Chill out in a spacious D.J booth, in a relaxed D.J.school.
【Just a short walk from Umegaoka station.】
Wether you want to learn how to D.J.as a hobby,learn to mix two songs together, increase your skill level or learn new techniques, I can tailor the course to what you hope to achieve – Improving specific areas or even starting from scratch!
Lesson fee:
Enrollment fee: 16,000 yen (Including equipment)
Lesson fee: 19,800 yen (4 times per month.)
Additional equipment available by request.
Lesson time:
From 7:00 A.M.- 10:00 P.M.daily. Closed on Thursdays.
Blocks of lessons available from 2 months.
Classes from beginner level up to professional level available.
Lessons are 60minutes and more.
Skill levels and gradings:
When you feel ready, you can play to a crowd as a grading.If you do well, you will receive a certificate for your skill level.When you have attained a high grade and graduate from Vibesrecords D.J school, you can enter a special professional level class.
Target based classes:
Beginner D.Js, learning as a hobby or focusing on a specific set of skills – you set the goal!
Lesson structure:
You can take a trial lesson and decide for yourself what you want to learn.
Progress as and when you feel ready.
Why should I pick Vibesrecords D.J.school?
Only five minutes walk from the station! One to one private lessons tailored to your goals, beginners and English speakers are welcome.
Wether you want to learn as a hobby or become a pro, set your own pace and decide the rate of progression for yourself.
We accept credit card payment.
Something extra👑
If you are studying Japanese, lectures in Japanese are also available.😄
Sign up for a trial lesson at: Here
1. Tā kā man ļoti patīk mūzika, gribēju iemācīties miksēt dziesmas un veidot remiksus.
2. Gribēju sev jaunu izaicinājumu.
3. Es gribēju kļūt pārliecinātāka par sevi un iemācīties uzstāties!
1. Līdz šim man nebija pārāk laba ritma izjūta, bet es iemācījos miksēt dziesmas tikai pēc dzirdes, kā arī miksēt izmantojot plates.
2. Visgrūtāk bija iemācīties scratching tehniku, bet DJ Yasu man deva labus padomus, kas ļāva man attīstīt šīs prasmes.
・I wanted to learn DJing during my vacation and DJ Yasu’s website made the class look fun
・DJ Yasu looked really professional and he is!
・I love learning to scratch on vinyl and mixing in computer.
・Lunches were always very delicious! Thank you to DJ yasu and chef!
・Learning about DJ Yasu’s favorite music and things to do in Japan was amazing!